
Simple, transparent pricing

Our simple, per-job pricing scales with you.

Company profile

Claim your free company profile.
Billed annually.
Create company profile
Create a free company profile
Tell your company's story
Add your tech stack and benefits
Dedicated support
We'll contribute 10% of your purchase to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere

Trial pricing

Your first 2 job postings for $50 each.
$50per post
Billed annually.
Post a job
Job post live for 30 days
Top placement on job board
Branded with your logo
Dedicated support
We'll contribute 10% of your purchase to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere

Single job post

Flat, simple pricing per post.
$100per post
Billed annually.
Post a job
Job post live for 30 days
Top placement on job board
Branded with your logo
Dedicated support
We'll contribute 10% of your purchase to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere

A job board built for the remote world

Designed to promote your job openings to the right people across the globe, Himalayas is the best place to post a remote job.

Access top talent

List your open positions and get in front of the most responsive, remote-ready talent looking to get hired right now.

Cut through the noise

Our filters work hard, so you don't have to. Restrict roles to specific geographies or timezones, and never see an unqualified candidate.

Get seen and get ready to hire

Searchpool promotes where active-job seekers spend their time: in our search, on social media, and through Google for Jobs.

Claim your company profile

Tell your company's story by creating a company profile, and shine a spotlight on your people, culture, and tech stack.

Collaborate with your team

Scale your recruitment efforts by inviting team members, hiring managers, and recruiters to manage your Searchpool account.

Support when you need it

You'll get direct access to the founders of Searchpool: Saket Raushan. And we're excited to help you.

Measure what matters

Get in-depth insights into how your job posts are performing and edit jobs whenever you want.

No recurring or hidden costs

No complicated upsells, lack of logos, or highlights. Every company gets treated and pays the same.


Everything you need to know about Himalayas and billing. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.
How do I get started hiring on Himalayas?
Getting started on Himalayas is easy. Just click get started. You'll be prompted to find your company profile in our database, or create a new one. Then you'll be able to post jobs and manage your company profile.
How do refunds work?
If you're not happy with your purchase, we're happy to refund you. All we ask is that you don't abuse this. We're a small, bootstrapped team so every dollar counts.
Are there any additional fees attached to my job post?
Nope. We hate hidden fees as much as you do. What you see is what you pay. We're made our pricing as transparent as possible and have avoided upselling on purpose.
Can I edit my job listing after it's posted?
Absolutely. You can make as many changes to your job posting as you need to once it's live. We'll also provide you with detailed analytics of how it's performing so you can stay in control.
How do I get access to my team's Himalayas company profile?
Click on get started to create a free account, then select your company from our startup database. You'll be able to get access by authenticating with your work email. Email us if you have any issues!
Do you really donate 10% of what I pay to CO₂ removal?
We do! We use Stripe Climate to direct 10% of our revenue to help scale emerging carbon removal technologies. As early technologies, carbon removal is expensive, so it hasn't attracted a critical mass of customers. But with wider adoption, they'll scale and become cheaper for everyone.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Hiring remotely? Start posting jobs today.

Start posting jobs for only $50.
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We’ve just announced our Series A!
Read about it from our CEO.